
Maps portal of city of Pilsen

The web portal of maps of city of Pilsen is useful guide through maps, applications and GIS (geographic information system) services.

Here are some direct links to some useful maps:


Icon of MapThe map of access roads to the city
Icon of MapThe map of the traffic in the city centre and parking lots
Icon of MapClossure of traffic
Icon of MapMunicipal transportation


Icon of MapTourist map of the historical sights
Icon of MapTourist map (Tourist map (cycling roads,  trips possibilities, tourist sights, virtual tours, etc)
Icon of MapZoo and Dinopark
Icon of MapCycling roads
Icon of MapTourist Map of Centre (PDF, 683 kB)
Icon of MapPublic transport routes (PDF, 578 kB)


Icon of MapMap of flood area (air map)

Historical maps:

Icon of MapHistorical air pictures from the 1945

Territorial division:

Icon of MapMunicipal territorial plan
Icon of MapMap of municipal industrial zone Borska pole (air map)
Icon of MapCurrent air map


Icon of MapMap of tax ratio
Icon of MapMap of barrierre free routes – projects
Icon of MapMap of police stations