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Contact Center

Contact Center - telephone information for citizens

Office hoursMon, Wed 7:30 – 17:00 / Tue, Thu, Fri 7:30 – 16:00
Operatorsphone: +420 378 031 111
SMS Gatewaymobile: +420 720 001 483
E-mail addressinfo@plzen.eu

The Contact Center provides direct information about the Pilsen City Hall, offices, districts and public service organizations in the area. It assists clients in dealing with a variety of situations. It effectively handles phone calls, e-mails and SMS requests. Offers citizens an online ordering service and call back service for information requested. It provides information about Pilsen public transport companies as well as a Pilsen card info-line. It can be used, e.g., for help with getting contacts for medical services and is even a source of help for tourists.


Editors of Information Server of the Municipality of the City of Pilsen: internet@plzen.eu