Homepage About the City History Legends Why Beautiful Maidens Are Born in Krimice


Why Beautiful Maidens Are Born in Krimice

The count of Lobkovic, owner of the Krimice domain, had inherited these lands from the count of Vrtba. At lunchtime, he liked to invite guests to keep him company. Often, these were neighboring farmers or the Krimice parish priest. They liked chatting together very much.

Once the priest came over for lunch again. As they were leading interesting discussions, the count incidentally mentioned that he could not understand why so few beautiful maidens were born in Krimice. Why was it so, he exclaimed, if the girls of the Pilsen region were renowned for their beauty! Just those born in Krimice were exceptional in this regard.

The friar had already thought for a long time that the chapel in the Krimice chateau would be nicer if decorated with a nice picture of the Virgin Mary. He had wanted to make the count donate the picture as a matter of fact.

Therefore, the friar immediately grasped his chance.

He answered quickly that the female population of Krimice would immediately grow nicer if they had always something beautiful in front of their eyes. Perhaps a nice picture could help. By watching the depicted beauty, traits of all the ladies would embellish.

The count needed a while to think the idea over. Then he agreed that the friar could be right. He therefore bought a picture of the Virgin, the face of which radiates an exceptional beauty.

Since that time, the maidens born in Krimice have, together with the Outusice girls, the reputation of being the most beautiful of all the Pilsen region.

The Golden Book of Pilsen Legends by Vladimir Havlic was published by the publishing house Vesely in 1995. The book was written at the base of Schiebl’s collection Pilsen in Tale, Legend, Tradition, and Wit. The book by Vladimir Havlic was published with the financial support of Ceska sporitelna, a.s., Pilsen dept., at the occasion of the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of foundation of Pilsen.