
University of West Bohemia

address: Univerzitní 8, map
telephone: 377 631 111
e-mail: rektor@rek.zcu.cz
web: www.zcu.cz

Buildings where classes are held at The University of West Bohemia are wheelchair accessible, equipped with ramps, platforms, stair ramps, elevators, etc. In all buildings where teaching takes place, physically challenged students have access to wheelchair accessible restroomsvices providers)

Informační a poradenské centrum ZČU v Plzni (Information and Advising Center of The University of West Bohemia)

(provides advising services as well as assistance for those with special educational needs)

address: Jungmannova 3, map
telephone: 377 631 350
e-mail: hrabacko@rek.zcu.cz
web: www.zcu.cz/pracoviste/ipc
building entrance: barrier-free
interior: barrier-free
wheelchair accessible WC: ne

Metropolitan University

Metropolitní univerzita Praha – University Center Pilsen

address: Koterovská 85
telephone: 377 418 242
e-mail: plzen@mup.cz
web: link here
building entrance: barrier-free
interior: barrier-free
wheelchair accessible WC: yes