
Environmental condition
Latitude 49° 44´ N
Longitude 13° 23´ E
Elevation 293 - 452 m (961 - 1,483 feet) above sea level

The city of Plzen is situated in the Plzen basin on the confluence of four rivers - Mze, Radbuza, Uhlava and Uslava; the river resulting from the confluence is called Berounka. The city centre is approx. 310 m above the sea level; there are several hills elevated more than 400 m above the sea level in the outskirts. The shortest distance from Plzen to the sea is less than 500 km, to the Sczecin Gulf in the Baltic Sea or to the Trieste Gulf in the Adriatic Sea. However, the city isn’t directly connected to the sea by inland ship transport.


The city of Plzen is situated in the Plzen basin on the confluence of four rivers - Mze, Radbuza, Uhlava and Uslava


The area of Plzen belongs to the area of moderately warm climate with a long and dry summer, short and mildly warm transition seasons of spring and autumn and a very dry winter with short-lasting snow cover.

Long-term climate indices (1971 - 2010) (Bolevec district)

  • Average yearly precipitation 533 mm
  • Average temperature 7.7 °C (45.9 °F)
  • Absolute maximum temperature 40.1 °C (104.2 °F)
  • Absolute minimum temperature - 28.0 °C (-18.4 °F)
  • Average number of hours of sunshine per year 1,690 hours (Plzen - Mikulka district)
  • Average number of foggy days per year 40

Prevailing wind directions (Plzen - Mikulka district):

  • North-east 16,3 %
  • North 14,2 %
  • South-west 32,1 %


Source: Cesky hydrometeorologicky ustav Plzen (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute), city of Plzen