Homepage Living in Pilsen Barrier-free Pilsen Sport Barrier-free public sports facilities


Barrier-free public sports facilities

Plavecký Areál Slávia VŠ Pilsen-Slovany (Slávia VŠ Pilsen Swimming Complex)

address: náměstí Generála Píky 42, map
telephone: 377 240 306
e-mail: info@bazenslovany.cz
web: www.bazenslovany.cz
building entrance: no barriers
interior: pool equipped with lift to provide access to water
wheelchair accessible WC: yes

Cyklodrom SKP Rapid Sport Plzeň (SKP Rapid Sport Plzeň Cycling Track)

address: Chrástecká 20, map
telephone: 777 239 226
e-mail: skp.rapid.sport@seznam.cz
web: www.skprapid.unas.cz
building entrance: no barriers
complex: barrier-free
wheelchair accessible WC: yes (in the hostel area

Sportovně-kulturní centrum Škodaland (Škodaland Sport and Cultural Center-inline skating, beach volleyball etc.)

address: České údolí, V lukách 34, Plzeň-Litice, map
telephone: 602 486 629
e-mail: matiaska@plzen.eu
web: www.skodaland.eu
building entrance: no barriers
complex: barrier-free
wheelchair accessible WC: yes (eurokey)

Hipocentrum Jitřenka (Jitřenka Horse-riding Center)

address: U Včelníku 68E/19, Plzeň-Koterov, map
telephone: 774 740 740
e-mail: hipocentrumjitrenka@seznam.cz
web: www.jitrenka.info
building entrance: no barriers
complex: horses can be mounted using an access ramp, which can be used 
wheelchair accessible WC: no (only entrance)

Areál TJ Sokol Plzeň - Nová Hospoda (TJ Sokol Sports Complex- Nová Hospoda)

address: Prostřední 7, map
telephone: 608 702 817
e-mail: petr.tenk@tenksoftware.cz
web: www.nova-hospoda.cz
building entrance: no barriers
complex: barrier-free
wheelchair accessible WC: yes


address: Plzeň - Lhota, map
telephone: 605 170 263
e-mail: info@superkarting.cz
web: www.superkarting.cz
building entrance: no barriers
complex: two-seat buggy with the option of carrying a wheelchair user
wheelchair accessible WC: no

Bowlingová hala E-centrum (E-centrum Bowling Alley)

address: Guldenerova 17, map
telephone: 723 161 607
e-mail: ecko@enorgosluzby.cz
web: www.centrum-ecko.cz/bowling-ecko
building entrance: no barriers (elevator)
interior: barrier-free
wheelchair accessible WC: yes

Bowling Plaza

address: Radčická 2, map
telephone: 737 206 218
web: www.bowlingplzen.cz/plaza
building entrance: no barriers
interior: barrier-free
wheelchair accessible WC: yes